SEO Tools

5 SEO Tools That Cost Nothing

Given that the rewards for a website being ranked highly in the search engines can be substantial, not least in financial terms, it is understandable that many business owners turn to SEO consultants and agencies, such as Although the fees charged may not exactly be loose change, the return on investment from effective SEO is worth it.

If you are not quite ready for a full-on SEO campaign and feel comfortable starting on your website’s SEO yourself, that is fine, but you will need a number of tools to help you. Even SEO experts and agencies use tools to help them plan, assess, and improve their clients’ SEO.

What you may not realise, is that you can get many of the tools you will need for free. Some of them are the exact same tools that the experts use, however, there is a caveat. In most cases, there will be a free version, and a paid version, and the free one will obviously not have all the functions that the paid versions have.

Nevertheless, they can be useful, and they can also help you better understand your SEO needs. This means when you do decide to employ an SEO agency, you can do so with greater knowledge and be able to communicate your needs to them more effectively.


Blog Help Your SEO

3 Ways To Help Your Blog Help Your SEO

For as long as content continues to play a significant role in how Google determines the quality of a website and its relevance to certain keywords, blogs will be a huge asset for any online business.

Professional digital marketers say that applies not just in terms of how a blog can help improve a website’s ranking but in the role it can play in engaging and informing visitors, and how by doing so, the relationship builds to the point where a visitor turns into a paying customer.

For a blog to have any impact, it needs to have content, but creating that content involves more than simply sitting down at a keyboard and tapping away furiously on the keys. That is a move that is likely to see your blog harm, not help the cause.

In fact, it is you who needs to help your blog in the first place by carrying out three simple tasks beforehand.

#1 Install Yoast SEO Plugin

This Yoast plugin can help your SEO in a number of ways especially when it comes to posting content on your blog. It highlights a number of best practices with regards to SEO and explains what you need to alter within your content to improve it. This is also done for the readability of your content so that you are optimising it for visitors as well as for the search engines.


How to Design For People Who Use Mobile

Mobile devices have become the primary gateway to the internet. More people access websites via smartphones than through desktops or laptops. This shift in user behavior makes it essential for creative design services to optimize mobile-friendly designs. When crafting your web presence, it’s crucial to optimize for mobile users who rely on their phones to research companies, make purchases, and browse the web.

To ensure your designs cater effectively to mobile users, consider the following key areas:


Remember that the person who is looking at your web design is going to be on mobile, which means simplicity is king. Take away anything that isn’t strictly necessary or anything that will make load times faster. Think about the necessities of your design, including the logo, contact information, store locator, and key information that the person is probably looking for.

Keep the blocks of text and huge images for the desktop websites. When possible, use things like lists or drop-downs to avoid large amounts of text.


Mobile is slower than traditional internet, so you have to keep the website streamlined and easy to use. If someone can’t load the page, they have to look around too much, or they can’t seem to find the right place to go, they will quickly click back and go to another page.
